Opt Out

Would You Like to Opt Out of the El Paso Law Firms Legal Directory?


Contact us with your request to opt-out of the El Paso Law Firms legal directory. Please make sure to mention the profile that you wish to delete. The next step is to verify the requester against the profile concerned by comparing your law firm's email domain and website.


Note: Non-official emails (i.e., free email addresses like [lawyer'sname]24@gmail.com) are inadequate and will require further details.


After our team verifies your identity, we will remove the profile from the El Paso Law Firms legal directory and send you confirmation.


Why do You Have a Verification Process?


There are many reasons. However, the most prominent reason is safeguarding the El Paso Law Firms database from spammers, marketing firms, and others trying to conduct negative SEO on clients' competitors..



What is Negative SEO?


Negative SEO ("Black Hat") uses online strategies to damage or tarnish your online image. These techniques could include changing your contact information or requesting the deletion of your data. This strategy steals traffic and lowers your search rank, aiming to take potential clients.


As the visibility of your El Paso Law Firms legal profile gains traffic, your odds of obtaining new clients also increase. Even an unclaimed profile (with correct data) can bring in 5-10 inquiries per calendar month.


Moreover, with the limited number of clients in your local area, one of the best ways to decrease client traffic is to reduce your competition's online source. Every new client you secure for your practice means one less for your competitors.


A common negative SEO strategy is to request the removal of one's legal profile across the internet. This strategy will decrease traffic to your law practice and redirect clients to look for your competitors.


Interestingly, most opt out requests received by LOCALSYNC throughout their multiple professional directories are from these free fake [lawyer'sname]24@gmail.com-type email addresses. And over 97% of those asked for additional documentation never reply.



How Can I Update My Profile if I'm Not Ready to Claim My Listing?


While the El Paso Law Firms team will remove your legal profile upon request, they can also complete a one-time update of your information for $5.00. Remember, each professional directory gives you the opportunity to reach new clients via different marketing channels. It also provides valuable backlinks that can help boost your SEO and Google search ranking.


For this one-time update, visit our Turn-Key Legal Marketing shop and click "Upgrade My Profile Information." Follow the steps to pay for your product.


Before making any changes, we will verify the requester against the profile in question. Our team will contact you via your payment email address. Your payment will be canceled and refunded if we are unable to complete this verification process.



Do I Need to Set Up My Profile if I Claim it?


No. Your annual legal marketing plan comes with a free profile setup.


Visit our Turn-Key Legal Marketing shop, choose the marketing plan you wish, and then pay. We will handle the rest or let you know if there are any questions or additional requirements.